Guys... I'm about to do something extremely difficult. I mean really difficult. Some --most-- of you will understand. I love this FS family and community especially because of how accepting and generally kind you all are. I seriously love this site and you all. But here I am now, sitting on my bed, struggling to find words for this as I have never said it to anyone; in fact, I've never even said it out loud. So to you, my funsubstance family, I am coming out of the closet. I am a female who is attracted to other females. I've struggled with accepting it my whole life, but all of you have been so open and kind about your orientation, and you've all also been so supportive and accepting of those who have come out that I think it is my time to accept me for who I am. Thank you for reading, FS. I do in all honesty love you all, even if you are just names on a screen. Thank you funsubstance.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
We love you just the same and that will never change.
Honestly, if anyone does care, if anyone says a thing, judges you, or anything, just know we are here for you. :) I hope you find a really spectacular girl!
Zip, I'm not apart of you Fs family but I want you to know that no matter what your sexual preference is, you will always have me for a friend. I know as if right now we aren't friends. But, I still wanted you to know.
The It Gets Better Project is great. The guy who started it? Dan Savage? Not so much. He's awful, actually. Bi-phobic. Transphobic. Sexist. Racist. The list goes on. The work this organization does is important. But someone else needs to lead it.