but muuuuuum can't the stupid crown be black? Gold's so...bright.
· 11 years ago
Gold's for, like...happy people.
· 11 years ago
I don't think any of you guys know what emo is x_x
· 11 years ago
What do you think it is?
· 11 years ago
Okay emo derives from the word emotion meaning we are just people are eccentric when it comes to certain emotions. You don't have to be a cutter to be emo. You don't HAVE to be alone to be emo. Emo just means that if I'm happy I'm toooo happy and if I'm sad I'm toooo sad. But when one emotion overpowers the other then it sticks there, and in this day and age depression is a huge thing and so emos are usually depressed. But it doesn't mean emos can't be happy and that's what I hate about society! Tell someone you're emo and watch them tell you who you are! Emo is basically just people who express emotion deeply and wildly!
We are all many.
Love us.
Love us.
Love us.
(we chant as we gather closer and closer around you)