Yeah, I'm not fishing for acknowledgement or anything, but, I once saw this guy sitting with his arms crossed on his knees, and his head buried in between, (If you can see the picture I'm trying to paint) and at first, I was going to walk away but I knew better, because hey, maybe that guy was contemplating suicide. So I sat down and had a conversation with him and made sure he was okay. Words can potentially save a life. I don't think anybody should ever forget that.
Ah, that's why this little person *pats mrs Sparklez head* is so very lovely. Probably the kindest and genorous person I know,really. Words are like needles, you can use them to hurt someone, or you can create clothes with it to keep them warm or whatever. Yeah I suck at making up quotes XD
Aw, it's alright. I don't really mind it anymore, many say Sparkles, rather than with a z, it's only natural to type it like that. I'm sure you are too. ^-^