this is so wrong. she likes a singer who makes music you don't like, she posted her phone number on instagram - it's her desicion. and you call her stupid for not having already lost all faith and for not wanting to believe someone could do something that cruel? and you support a guy who would do something that ruthless and would trample on somebodys feelings like that.
If she had been a harry potter fan and this guy had claimed to be daniel radcliffe you wouldn't react like this. you would call it cruel. But because making fun of these fandoms is not only accepted but also encouraged you see it as a joke.
Do you remember when you were twelve and one of the popular guys thought it would be fun to take a girl who was a little naive to the movies just to record her voice when she tells him how much she likes him so he could dump her and show the record to everyone at school. It's practically the same.
Just because she's a fan of some you don't like dosen't give you the right to treat her like shit. You should be ashamed of yourself.
We're okay if she likes something we don't. What piss us off it's that she posted her phone on the Internet. I mean, you can't complain about something you exposed yourself to.
and that's why you want to hurt her or at least make herself feel stupid? I mean, you obviously didn't do anything, but there are people here saying that they want to try this too, which is frightening, I think. and i can take a lot of humor about anything but when it gets as far as hurting someone in person it's not humor anymore but plain bullying (excuse my english)
oh, and: "She's young, she'll get over it." maybe she doesn't care at all, thats right, but you can't know. See, when you're young the smallest things can change your whole personality. Problem is,we don't know this girl. And there are these people commenting that they would like to try and do the same thing this guy did to someone else, that's what bothers me.
· 11 years ago
I think it's funny because she expected a world famous singer to text/call her instead of any other of the millions he have. I prefer this kind of joke to those people seem to enjoy cyberbulling other people.
it would be different if it was a private message with her number to the famous person buy its not she let god know how many thousands of people to see it like its her fault. famous people 9/10 billion x wont reply to a comment its her fault and its not like she said she was gonna kill herself over it. theres real evil in the world that should be stopped. oh poor you a famous person with god knows how many followers didnt reply like get your prioritys straight
Do you remember when you were twelve and one of the popular guys thought it would be fun to take a girl who was a little naive to the movies just to record her voice when she tells him how much she likes him so he could dump her and show the record to everyone at school. It's practically the same.
Just because she's a fan of some you don't like dosen't give you the right to treat her like shit. You should be ashamed of yourself.
oh, and: "She's young, she'll get over it." maybe she doesn't care at all, thats right, but you can't know. See, when you're young the smallest things can change your whole personality. Problem is,we don't know this girl. And there are these people commenting that they would like to try and do the same thing this guy did to someone else, that's what bothers me.