I get that they're just jokes and everything but honestly I really hate when people make jokes of this... tbh it's not a situation to be taken lightly and it's really offensive :/
I'm not trying to be a Debby Downer or anything but even mocking it isn't funny. If the condition is really severe it can be horrific and if that happened to you or someone close to you, you wouldn't be laughing.
Having gone through this sort of situation myself and having many loved ones with eating disorders, I 100% agree that it is the most terrifying thing I've ever had to go through, and seeing others make the same mistakes as I did is even worse.
· 11 years ago
I agree completely, I'm actually trying to get over an eating disorder right now and honestly it's the hardest thing ever hearing people make jokes about it, on movies, tv shows, at school. It really just makes me feel disgusting and hate myself a little more...
If your friends are making jokes or being rude about the fact that u have an eating disorder then they are not your true friends. I no this from experience so hang in there it is really hard but it gets better
Recovery is difficult, and it's important to surround yourself with people who are mature enough to understand the seriousness of the issue and who make you feel positive. And that is just a good general rule with friends too, why keep the negative immature people around, right? Good luck :)
Okay, I guess it's perfectly fine to mock someone's pain and misery. It's alright that you could have just reduced countless people to tears because you unknowingly showed someone in this situation how funny their torment is. Some of you are just unfeeling fucks, aren't you?
No. I have issues with eating and I still found this funny. Ever heard of dark humor? I know I'm going to get downvoted for this but people like you need to lighten up.
I wasn't speaking directly to you, and if it wasn't for the fact that I've personally suffered for years from a severe eating disorder and witnessed others reactions to this kind of stuff then I probably would have found it funny, too. My point is that it's hurtful, and maybe I overreacted for a second there, but my opinion remains the same. You can keep yours.
You can keep your opinion as well. I'm perfectly aware that were not speaking specifically to me, I was just saying that even people who have eating issues are capable of finding this funny. So you can take the stick out of your butt.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when you speak your mind in a public arena. Unfortunately, neither one of us knows the other and how they are about things, so I say we call this off. Somebody has to be mature without putting some sort of stick in it, so how about a nice internet handshake?