It's like playing "King of the Emos"
11 years ago by thealmightyginger · 2739 Likes · 14 comments · Popular
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· 11 years ago
I hate it when that happens. I was sharing a secret with this one dude and he kept going on and on about a traumatic experience. Yeah that's shitty, but don't try to outdo me. It's not a competition. After that he continued to ask me to do stuff which brought up bad memories. And he wonders why I didn't date him
· 11 years ago
I have this one friend who does the same things. He's very whiny and needy. Everyday he acts like he has the worst life in the world and I can't take it. He's always hinting to me about dating and I'm like "No! I can't deal with you acting like a child all the time
· 11 years ago
Exactly! I mean, I vent at times, and I'm sorry for the person who has to put up with it at the time, but it's not often and I'm happy to listen to their problems if they ever need to talk. I don't bring up my shit when they talk. People out there need to toughen up, to be honest, instead whining about problems
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· 11 years ago
Finally, someone gets it! I'm not trying to say he's weak but I'm not going to lie and say he's anywhere near tough. Like I love helping people with their problems, I'll admit. But with him it's the same thing everyday. And it's every little thing that sets him off. Like please learn to not be a push over
· 11 years ago
Exactly! I mean, I went through this thing(not gonna go into detail) and a lot of stuff reminds me of it. But I don't bring it up every time it does. I mean, if I was talking with someone and they brought it up, I talk about it a little(so I'm not bottled up all the time) but we talk about solutions to the problem, not just how I feel. There's this girl I know who always complains how people aren't her friends or don't want to date her. Well, one thing, she has a boyfriend, so she shouldn't be complaining if guys don't like her. And she's such an inconsiderate bitch when it comes to other people so no wonder they don't like her! I gave up on our friendship for that reason
· 11 years ago
Yes! Like every once in a while I'll get into a mood where I'm just done with everything but not every single day. What I always tell people like that is to find ways to keep your mind off of it. Like I love to draw and write to express my feeling and I love to read and learn to keep my mind away from it. And everyone has the day when they are just like "I just need someone's sympathy" and that's okay. But every waking hour of every week is selfish to those around you.
· 11 years ago
You draw too?! I HAVE FOUND MY PEOPLE!
· 11 years ago
Yes! I love drawing. Im kind of self-taught so im not as good as I want to be. My dad is actually very artistic as is my grandfather. But yeah.
· 11 years ago
Now, kiss!
· 11 years ago
What does the winner get?
· 11 years ago
A year supply of eye liner and a hundred dollar gift card to hot topic
· 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
People always get into contests about which class or sport is harder and I just laugh and say I have the easiest and best one and say I feel bad for them! Then I talk about how great it is to piss them off!
· 11 years ago
Oh my God... Every time! I try to tell my friends something's wrong and they just say "You don't even know pain!"