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· 11 years ago
this is so sad
· 11 years ago
The first PC I had was actually from the Lawrence Labs in Livermore, CA. it had been upgraded along with a bunch of others and a friend of mine was given a couple by their father who worked there. This had to be around 1984 I think. She gave me one of them because we were both bookworm nerdy teachers pet dorks who were picked on daily by the other kids. It had an external hard drive with bay doors and it took 8 1/4" floppies. LOL I played Zork and other text adventure games that simulated artificial intelligence for hours and hours at a time. I can remember trying to navigate my character across a river by simply stating, "Cross river" and the software program snapped back, "What do you plan on doing? Flap your arms really hard?" and I was a computer geek from that moment on.
· 11 years ago
Too bad there are so many young and stupid parents. They then raise bullies and assholes
· 11 years ago