Aaaaaand I don't have any of those things. For PS, anyway.
Still no xbox, either. Want to try Forza since GT has decided not to even try anymore, but I can't invest in a console just for one game.
· 11 years ago
I bought my 3ds to play pokemon y. Believe me of its the right game, you can
Ugh, thanks for reminding me, I have to decide if I want a 3DS just for the new Zelda game. Dammit...I barely even have time for the few games I currently play. Then there's the goddamned FFX HD release coming up. Lord knows I'll be stuck 100%ing that shit again in between diaper changes and baby-wrestling for months.
· 11 years ago
Also Sony has the Move and Vita as both optional things to buy. With the Wii Mote and WiiU you are required to have both of those things.
Also, so what if Sony makes a similar game to SSB? It's for people who are fans of Sony characters rather than Nintendo, and the game isn't an EXACT copy of it
Still no xbox, either. Want to try Forza since GT has decided not to even try anymore, but I can't invest in a console just for one game.
Also, so what if Sony makes a similar game to SSB? It's for people who are fans of Sony characters rather than Nintendo, and the game isn't an EXACT copy of it