Quality over quantity, dear. It's a lesson young ladies like yourself would do well to learn sooner, rather than later, when your uterus is a dried up and diseased husk from all the herpoly-erpolies.
I'm just making an educated guess from your last comment. You appear to value quantity over quality. I just took it a step further and tried to give you some helpful advice. You know, just in case you apply that sort of logic to your romantic life.
I should also probably point out the fact that I'm at peace with the fact that my funeral will likely be small. All that means is that my passing will make very few people sad, which I believe is a good thing, because I like making people happy. :)
I should also probably point out the fact that I'm at peace with the fact that my funeral will likely be small. All that means is that my passing will make very few people sad, which I believe is a good thing, because I like making people happy. :)
Jk jk