The prison part at the end of the French sort of gives it away except for the other give away which is the length of the sentence and the fact that why would you say this to anyone and when would you use it in any English context because I'm going to stop now
· 11 years ago
Also "Je t'aime" is one of the most famous French phrases....
The French have a rule where they can't have 2 vowels next to each other, so t'aime is actually just tu aime with the rule. Aime means like and love and adore means adore. T'adore is just following the vowel rule.
Also, this post isn't making fun of the French, it's a Les Miserable joke.
Je ne m'aime pas
Also, this post isn't making fun of the French, it's a Les Miserable joke.
This makes me think he cannot
I believe your brother lied to you
What does it actually say?
I would like what you understand what this , right? The
Lol I'm still learning french so ya know I don't know everything
You basically just repeated a stupid post