Guest: Some of you guys on Xbox live are jerks, but for the most part, I have to meet a person before I form an opinion. Really, I just feel bad that the average Brit will never know the joys of firearms.
· 11 years ago
Well, we mostly feel bad that the average American school-child lives in a situation where they have to have run-through drills on what to do in the case of a school shooting...
Okay, shit. I accidentally walked into this. Every 7.5 hours, a child is killed by a gun in the US. More than half of those are suicides. Every thirteen seconds, a crime is stopped by a person with a gun, in more than half of those, no one is hurt (US). I personally don't think one child is worth it, especially since, in Washington state, schools haven't added any security. I think, we could call people with guns (Police, Army reserve etc) to be closer to schools should a shooting occur. Because the bad guys are less likely to go after a protected location.
· 11 years ago
Lol, don't worry, I couldn't help myself :) I agree with what you say about making sure the protection offered by he police and military is better available - I just disagree with firearms being so available to the general public; this is how they get into the hands of dangerous people (and of suicidal people, though if someone is determined enough, they will find a way to kill themselves no matter the method).
Yeah. I agree with most of your points, except for the 'available to the general public' part, but I feel that is something neither of us will back down on, so I'll simply bid you a good day. Or night. : )
Didn't the British come to America like 300 some years ago?