There are also other males that use makeup, small amounts of it but still, they use foundation and sometimes other stuff too, so its not just the goths
Pointing out the double standard that girls can wear guys clothes, but it's not socially acceptable for guys to wear girls clothes
I do understand guys clothes are a little more unisex, but no more than 60-70 years ago it wasn't right for girls to wear guys clothing
girls are valued mainly for their looks while guys for their personalities. While both sides like looking at the more attractive ones, I find that guys are more likely to stay in a relationship because the girl is hot, while girls are more likely to stay if the guy meets their personality requirements.
why guys should wear high heels? i mean.. high heels doesnt help at guy problems, they are just shoes.. and i think they are not even comfortably to wear.. so why we guys should wear them? *ask sugarmice gently*
I think that what she meant was that if a girl is too short she can wear high heels and it'll be just fine but if a guy is too short well i dont thibk he would have that option
· 11 years ago
its not bad to be short if you ask me (as a girl you can ask boys to help you and have a reason to speak to the boy.. and as a boy.. can use a ladder or chair to reach that thing in the shelf :D)
Why i get always downvoted from some people? I dont hate, i'm not racist, i'm not devil or something other bad stuff.. wtf peoples..get a hobby-.- it p*ss me off
I do understand guys clothes are a little more unisex, but no more than 60-70 years ago it wasn't right for girls to wear guys clothing