I don't really celebrate valentines day because all the gross or annoying kids like me I was asked out by one of them twice in two days!
· 11 years ago
Well, Christmas isn't even the real day Jesus was born, it's just a paganic celebration the Christianism added as their to gain believers. So your argument is invalid.
Though true christianity did take over the pagan holiday Saturnalia. It has evolved from just converting a mass of pagans to a more help others holiday. We now give presents thanks to St. Nicholas. We help the needy because we feel more giving during that time. And you don't have to be christian to celebrate christmas.
Christmas is actually more Christian than pagan. It's based off the pagan holiday called Jul (pronounced Yool), but the name is Christian and a lot of the features of Christmas are Christian. The Scandinavian countries still call it Jul, and celebrate it in a more pagan than Christian way (with golden apples on the tree, which is entirely pagan, porridge with a hidden almond in it, more "Nisse" (small people, more like elves, wearing traditional Scandinavian clothes) than St. Claus (though St. Claus is still a part of it), etc.). Christmas is literally a MASS for CHRIST, or a CHRIST MASS.
The tree is entirely pagan, but the name, the angels, Santa Claus (partly), the star on top of the tree, the lights in the windows, the barn with Jesus in it, etc. are all Christian. Porridge (usually rice nowadays, but traditionally sour cream (still popular) or other European ingredients like wheat and other grains) for Christmas is pagan, "Nisser" (small elves, see earlier comment) are pagan, presents are both and neither, the date is pagan, etc.