When I was younger I actually changed into my gym shirt when I got to school because my mom had picked out an all white outfit that I had to wear. I couldn't really choose something different
Everyday I wear a graphic shirt. This is what I've done since the beginning of eighth grade. Even at my graduation I wore a super man shirt under my suit. The other day mom comes home, says "I got you knew clothes you will just love!" Look at what she got me..... Shirts. Plain old button up shirts. Thanks mom, you tried. I guess I can just wear another shirt under them and pull a super man like I did at grad....
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
yeah ikr...like graphics, jeans, and a hoodie are all i wear
When I worked at a cupcake bakery, we once had a little boy come in with his dad. The kid was in full in Spider-Man costume. And he never broke character. When they left, the dad said "come on Spider-Man" and the kid locked eyes with me and walked out keeping eye contact.
I'm all about kids choosing their own clothes, no matter how weird they look. (Within reason. A swimming suit to school doesn't really work.)
I'm all about kids choosing their own clothes, no matter how weird they look. (Within reason. A swimming suit to school doesn't really work.)