Here's my plan.
We’ll do 2 first. After that we will do 9. When that’s done we do 3. Then 15. Then we eat with 19. Afterwards we do 20. Then we top it all off with 14 without the minor league game because there are probably no minor league games that late.
p.s. we will do 17 throughout the day.
What about ideas to get a date. That would be much more useful lol
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Stick your butt out, puff your chest up, lock eyes with the target then immediately look away all mysterious and stuff. Yes, this will work for both sexes. No, it is not guaranteed :/
We’ll do 2 first. After that we will do 9. When that’s done we do 3. Then 15. Then we eat with 19. Afterwards we do 20. Then we top it all off with 14 without the minor league game because there are probably no minor league games that late.
p.s. we will do 17 throughout the day.