No kidding. Took us a really long time just to prove the existence of giant squids.... I mean it's cool that there's rocks on mars and all, but I'd like to see if there actually are any mermaids
I was told they've only searched like 3% of the oceans (at least a very small percentage.) also in like Christopher Columbus's diary he said he saw like green lights coming down from the sky and disappearing into the ocean. Or something along those lines. I enjoy the history/discovery channels
· 11 years ago
Its 5% but either way it's a very small percentage. And yes while mermaids are legends, they have to derive from somewhere right?
No kidding. Took us a really long time just to prove the existence of giant squids.... I mean it's cool that there's rocks on mars and all, but I'd like to see if there actually are any mermaids