This is parody, satire, a hyperbole about the "scary dangers" that could erupt from marriage equality. It's meant to be taken as Colbert or Stewart, not Fox or CNN.
I was going to talk about how much I support gay marriage blah blah blah but the layout it so pretty and this is actually a pretty funny post! :) (please don't down-vote me to oblivion...) ._.
Please stop trying to force your beliefs on people. You believe gay marriage is ok? Great. You don't? Fine by me. Just dont force your beliefs on people and tell them they are wrong. (Not this post, im frustrated in general with the many people trying to tell me im right/wrong)
So as long as marriage equality is something people can vote on, rather than a given right, I feel comfortable bringing it up when I see something particularly clever about it. Because my right to marry can be voted on- when people decide their private opinions about it really shouldn't be forced on others I will stop talking about it too :-)
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As for your question it's as simple as you are born with your sexual identity- gay, straight, anywhere in between. Gay parents can have straight children, Straight parents can have gay children, it's not something you are taught.
· 11 years ago
My point exactly! Couldn't agree more. And thanks by the way
So a legit question here. What's wrong with the last statement? I don't see why it would be bad to call it a different word but give everyone the same rights...
Keeping in mind that I'm gay and have no problem with them being called civil unions or something else instead of marriage, just wondering what others thoughts are on that.
I see what you are saying, but if you take that thinking a further- when has anything that has been declared "Seperate but equal" actually ever been equal? Language is a very powerful tool in society- I don't want my sister's kids to have two married parents and my kids to have two civil unioned parents. Because we're not any different than heterosexuals, our relationships aren't, and our commitments of love and loyalty aren't. Why should we be called something different? Why should we let people who are trying to take rights from us separate and define who we are?
I suppose I see what you're saying, but to me they're just words on a piece of long as the rest of the words give me the same rights, what's actually preventing me from saying that I'm "married"? Plus, these people that are giving/taking rights have to define and give structure to the laws...that's kind of their job...but I don't think their definition has to change how I personally think about myself by any it if they approve or disapprove, I would not actually feel any different. I just want to be given the same rights is all. There will always be people that don't agree or approve no matter what is said...and that goes for any topic out there.
Please understand that I still do understand your side of things, and I by no ways am I saying that my opinion is "right"...opinions are different for everyone, I was just curious as to what others' thoughts were in regards to this issue. Thanks for your insight, I hope my thoughts made some sense.
This is wrong. If someone is in love with another gender, then let them love them. No one has the right to tell ANYONE who they should be in love with or who they should get married to because they follow their hearts and if they want to be gay, bisexual, etc. then let them be that way!!!
I realize this post wasn't being serious but honestly I don't care what anyones' religion says, it's called separation of church and state! The governor of Michigan said it himself, it is unconstitutional to discriminate against any group of people.
As for your question it's as simple as you are born with your sexual identity- gay, straight, anywhere in between. Gay parents can have straight children, Straight parents can have gay children, it's not something you are taught.
Keeping in mind that I'm gay and have no problem with them being called civil unions or something else instead of marriage, just wondering what others thoughts are on that.
Please understand that I still do understand your side of things, and I by no ways am I saying that my opinion is "right"...opinions are different for everyone, I was just curious as to what others' thoughts were in regards to this issue. Thanks for your insight, I hope my thoughts made some sense.