Why can't some people just learn how to take a shower? That way you don't have to spray your cologne and kill everyone in the room.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Usually cologne is meant to add an attractive scent to your body, doesn't have anything to do with being clean
Too bad most people don't know how to use it
Before in science for grade 8 we were talking about gases expanding or something. He got someone to bring in their axe and just gave it a little squirt to see how long it would take for people to smell it
Some ghetto middle school football player in my class back in middle school sprayed me with his axe because I asked him to move over a bit from the bungalow entrance where he and his friends covered it entirely so there was no entry or exit...
Too bad most people don't know how to use it
*A Kamehameha of cologne attacks my nostrils*
*chokes up and dies*