Honestly I read it was not impressed, the transition's of her falling in love were absoulute garbage and she turned into a prissy little girl. \i thought that the fault in our stars was going to be like the book that they talked about IN the book. I also am apparently a heartless bastard because my eyes never even watered while reading that book.
People will read any shit these days.
A book written for children, with a stolen premise, that I have personally read in at least 3 other books in the last 10 years. Over publicised dross.
All written by a middle aged man who thinks he can speak for young people everywhere because he writes book that children enjoy? Creepy as fuck.
A book written for children, with a stolen premise, that I have personally read in at least 3 other books in the last 10 years. Over publicised dross.
All written by a middle aged man who thinks he can speak for young people everywhere because he writes book that children enjoy? Creepy as fuck.