To give a bit more info on that. Steve Jobs was notorious for not donating to charities as a company, he believed individuals should donate themselves (but I'm pretty sure he excluded himself as an "individual" for the most part too). This lead to a reputation for Apple as one of the stingiest companies out there. When Jobs died, the new CEO Tim Cook decided they should fix their reputation by increasing the companies charitable contributions (and also since its the right thing to do). They still aren't considered all that charitable for the amount of money they make and cash reserves they have.
As to the rest, I'd suggest watching the new(ish) movie called "Jobs" its about his life and actually goes into a lot of these other facts
· 11 years ago
He regularly used LSD and marijuana in his younger years.
· 11 years ago
You can't judge someone because they do drugs. I know plenty of people who I respect very much who do drugs. If you look at your favorite bands, most of them are probably on drugs.
· 11 years ago
Tell me in which part of my comment do I judge someone for doing drugs? I was just stating a fact, I wasn't judging anyone. I don't care if someone wants to do drugs, it's their body, their choice. I myself use marijuana so am in no position to judge people for doing drugs.
Edit: I only now realized this post was about douchey things Steve Jobs has done so I understand now how my comment was misinterpreted. Sorry :)
**And here is an article that talks the company and CEO policy that matches all Apple employee's charity donations up to $10,000, any charity of the employees choosing.:
As to the rest, I'd suggest watching the new(ish) movie called "Jobs" its about his life and actually goes into a lot of these other facts
Edit: I only now realized this post was about douchey things Steve Jobs has done so I understand now how my comment was misinterpreted. Sorry :)