When my cousin was pregnant, she was all like, I'm gonna have a 100% natural birth because blah, blah, blah are bad for the baby. When she went into labor, she was screaming and nearly tore her husbands arm off because she was hysterical from the pain. Asked if she wanted something for the pain, her husband said no because it was really bad for the baby, or at least he tried to because my cousin screamed out, "FUCK THE BABY!" An epidural and many vaccinations later, they are a happy, heathy family.
Sometimes it does. It happened to my friends little brother he was born with out it but later got a shot which caused him to get autism.
· 9 years ago
What the fuck. He obviously was diagnosed with autism after he was born. Just because he got the shots then got autism afterwards doesn't mean they fucking correlate. Ass waffle
Ass waffle