Do you ever just laugh your ass off at something but you have no idea why the hell you're laughing, so you keep laughing because you're such a weirdo... yeah, that's me right now.
True, but his do a crappy job of
1- Hiding the harness, which 2 does an excellently
2- Making it feel like they're connected to him, which 2 also does effectively
BUT 4 is the most badass. In technicality, 2 is the best, and in terms of quality 4 is the best
1- Hiding the harness, which 2 does an excellently
2- Making it feel like they're connected to him, which 2 also does effectively
BUT 4 is the most badass. In technicality, 2 is the best, and in terms of quality 4 is the best
Just cut him some slack guys.