So what I don't get is how people don't like learning new things. They find no fun in it. I'm just over in the corner happily learning as people try their hardest to get dumber everyday. I'm not trying to offend anyone, like you people who like to learn. I salute you people who love to learn. Okay bye
I love this.
Honestly all the kids in my school just hate going and don't appreciate the amazing education they're getting. I love going to school, I love learning new things, and I love figuring out problems. Yeah some days it might be hard getting up early and having to walk to school, but it's all worth it in the end. My friends all complain about learning to much, or that they're so bored, and I just wanna smack them in the face sometimes because they don't understand how many children that aren't getting a proper education would LOVE to be in their shoes. All my friends like about school is the boys.... it's so stupid. We're only 13. Anyways, as I was saying school is wonderful.
Notice the difference? The top kids are sitting down, with distracting pencils and paper in front of them, the bottom kids are standing with nothing to distract them and they are actively engaged by the teacher who forces them to answer and rehash everything he teaches.
Are u fucking kidding me!? You want to talk about distractions those kids are in 4 feet of water. Meanwhile the kids with the pencils and paper are more forced to write down a piece of math. There's only one teachers that's forcing and it sure as hell isn't the one on the bottom.
Honestly all the kids in my school just hate going and don't appreciate the amazing education they're getting. I love going to school, I love learning new things, and I love figuring out problems. Yeah some days it might be hard getting up early and having to walk to school, but it's all worth it in the end. My friends all complain about learning to much, or that they're so bored, and I just wanna smack them in the face sometimes because they don't understand how many children that aren't getting a proper education would LOVE to be in their shoes. All my friends like about school is the boys.... it's so stupid. We're only 13. Anyways, as I was saying school is wonderful.