One time a girl was making fun of me (she was ghetto) and said I'm too white to live, etc. Then I started crying, and the teacher stepped out with me and said "Don't worry about her... she'll be taking your order in 14 years."
I told Diamond "Shut up, I don't want to talk to a women who'll be working at McDonald's in 14 years."
She replied "So? I WANT to work at McDonald's!"
So I spent my sophomore year in the U.S. in Tennessee and since I'm from Germany I got a lot of nazi jokes from them... Not as bad since they are jokes, but this one kid asked me in all seriousness if we would still greet each other with the Hitler greet in Germany. Face palm to the 80s and back.
I told Diamond "Shut up, I don't want to talk to a women who'll be working at McDonald's in 14 years."
She replied "So? I WANT to work at McDonald's!"