That's how I feel sometimes. I have type 1 diabetes and feel like everything medical has to do with cancer of some sort. I'm not saying that cancer isn't serious because it is. I just think that other illnesses like asthma, diabetes, etc should get awareness too.
That's so true. Actually, with women's cancers Ovarian Cancer barely has any support and it's the #1 killer of women. You never hear about anyone big about Ovarian Cancer, it's always Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer.
Most ovarian cancer is also spread by an STD, HPV to be exact. HPV also causes most anal and some throat, penis and vaginal cancers. It's like HIV, most people wouldn't have AIDS if they ALWAYS practiced safe sex, all it takes is one time. And more people wouldn't get ovarian cancer if they ALWAYS practiced safe sex (an estimated 70% of ovarian cancer, 85% of anal cancer and 50% of vaginal and penis cancers is caused by HPV). Preventing pregnancy WILL NOT prevent STDs! Ovarian cancer is NOT the #1 killer of women, that title belongs to heart disease. Ovarian cancer isn't even the #1 cancer killer of women, that title belongs to breast cancer, which to date, is not preventable. That's why breast cancer gets so much attention, it comes from nowhere and kills without discrimination.
Its just a politics thing. Its all about getting the most support (funding) you can. You are gonna get more support (funding) based on how lethal the illness is, so things like asthma and diabetes, even though they are so common, don't get the support since those things alone usually don't kill people. Then you go into who the illness is affecting. Female targets get more sympathy (sexist or not, its true), which means more support (funding). Then you still have a few illnesses that fit the criteria, breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, gynecologic cancer (ovarian, uterine, cervical, etc.) Lung cancer is out, even though its, I believe, the most common killer, but because its mostly due to smoking, harder to sympathize and donate to people that did it to themselves. Colon cancer is out because 1, it doesn't mostly target women and 2, "ew thats your butt, right?" both of which mean less potential support. So you are left with gyno or breast cancer. Lot of males don't know what the
heck an ovary or uterus is, other than its "down there" somewhere. Not knowing what it is means its harder to really picture it or understand what it does "does that mean they can't have sex?"
On the other hand you have breast cancer. It affects a lot more women (not sure where brialex got her info but ovarian is not the leading caner killer. It might have a higher mortality rate, but the number of women that get it is nowhere near the number that get breast cancer, so overall deaths its much lower) AND it clearly affects a body part that men and women know and love and would just so happen to donate lots of money to keep as many women with those body parts and they can! "yay boobies!"
Its like if you were trying to raise money to support 2 different animals. One is panda bears and the other is....coconut crabs (the weird giant spider looking monsters). If your only goal was to raise the most amount of money, which animal would you pick to support?
Breast cancer gets so much support because no matter how you live your life, you can still get it. The healthy and unhealth alike, although women are much more likely to get it. Almost all other cancers and most non-genetic diseases can be avoided or drastically lowered with a healthy lifestyle, but not breast cancer. It's the number one cancer killer of women as well, because by the time you have symptoms, the cancer has most likely spread to the rest of your body. Early detection is key and money is being poured into preventative measures because none exist and even early detection doesn't alway find it in time.
Actually, heart disease is the leading cause of death- it kills more people per year than all types of cancer combined.
What did I do? Like, I totally agree with the picture and don't get me wrong, I think other illnesses should get more support and all, but I just felt that the words could've been a bit smaller... I'm not insensitive I promise!! :(
It's sad that it's that way in the world, but I support you darling! (:
On the other hand you have breast cancer. It affects a lot more women (not sure where brialex got her info but ovarian is not the leading caner killer. It might have a higher mortality rate, but the number of women that get it is nowhere near the number that get breast cancer, so overall deaths its much lower) AND it clearly affects a body part that men and women know and love and would just so happen to donate lots of money to keep as many women with those body parts and they can! "yay boobies!"
Its like if you were trying to raise money to support 2 different animals. One is panda bears and the other is....coconut crabs (the weird giant spider looking monsters). If your only goal was to raise the most amount of money, which animal would you pick to support?