So you pointed out the fucking obvious? It's like seeing the color red and saying, "i thought of the color red,"
Also, if you think this is 'your life' you'll probably never have kids anyway so I needn't worry.
I'm sorry but you have a couple of extra chromosomes, kid.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
So what If I did?! Dislike and move the fuck on. I went on your Funsub page and a good bit of your comments are down voted. So maybe it's not the fact you don't like people that are the captain obvious.. maybe you're just an Asshole :)
Oh and I was born with the birth of "vanishing twin". So maybe I do:)
It isnt a good thing to have extra chromosomes, idiot.
· 9 years ago
Well I'm healthy, fit, and not giving an actual fuck...
Oh and I'm not an idiot. I have all As and I have never gotten a B. I have 5 requests from colleges.. requests I didn't request they did. So like little mama said "watcha now bout me?"
The issues is that everyone gets requests from colleges. Unless they are prestigious, it doesn't matter. Also, the classes in which you got the A's in, AND the school you took those classes ib, are what matters in this situation. For example, all A's in classes that are not AP is worse than all B's in AP classes. Another thing is that, for example, AP chemistry may be an easy A in Detroit High School, but may be the most difficult class in Not Shit High School. So, yes, you can still quite easily be classified as dumb.
· 9 years ago
I am in AP classes -all As- plus those colleges where the hardest to get into. So your bullshit doesn't Matter t :)
Also, if you think this is 'your life' you'll probably never have kids anyway so I needn't worry.
I'm sorry but you have a couple of extra chromosomes, kid.
Oh and I was born with the birth of "vanishing twin". So maybe I do:)
Oh and I'm not an idiot. I have all As and I have never gotten a B. I have 5 requests from colleges.. requests I didn't request they did. So like little mama said "watcha now bout me?"