Very well then. Abandon education and hope. Should the world actually end, you'll be the one laughing. Not like the world was supposed to have ended several times already.
If you're worried about an untimely demise, get strong, get smart, and have fun along the way. But don't count on disaster.
Nice thought, but without a good education, you can't get a good job, and without a good job, you can't have good money to have a good time. Don't use this as an excuse to skip school/collage, because with good money, you can have a good life and help those around you. Also, internet costs money :).
I hate these types of messages. Go on, stop going to college, stop working. But let me tell you, there are millions of people who want your "terrible" life. Be appreciative. You don't work for only yourself. You work for your family, your friends. Grow up, for the betterment of our world, not just yours.
· 10 years ago
Those are very narrow answers. Some of us go to school because we enjoy learning and we want careers that we can enjoy now. It's not all about retirement. There's nothing profound about this post.
Roboapple. There are plenty of people out there who have amazing lives without any college education. Higher education is vital for our society, but it's not necessary that it comes attached to a degree. If you have a desire to always learn, the knowledge you need in life will find you.
That is true, but not all jobs can be gained without a degree, having a degree just gives you wider options, people like bill gates didn't get a collage degree because he was working on his computer business and had to leave collage to attend to it. Also, if this comment was directed to me, why didn't you reply to my comment like i have?
Of course you shouldn't spend absolutely all your time with school and education, but some of your time should be spent preparing for the future. Never do too much of anything. Ever. This applies to everything I can think of at the moment. Food, education/work, spending money, you name it. Don't eat too much of anything, but not too little either, Don't focus all you've got on education/work, but don't throw it all away either. Don't spend all your money on whatever, but don't save it all either.
If you're worried about an untimely demise, get strong, get smart, and have fun along the way. But don't count on disaster.