I have a weight issue, and I can't hold this kid at fault for his reaction. I get that obesity is an issue, but the difference between most people and the aforementioned blimp in the post is that most people with a weight issue, myself included, are trying to stay healthy and lose that weight. I worked at a place like this for a few years, and yeah, fat people came in, but the ones I really respected got salads and similar stuff. It's when you just give up or stop giving a shit about your health or, worse yet, that of your children, that I think people really have a problem with. I know I do.
this is so dark, but funny. and I have seen similar cases, parents that do that to their children (it's no their choice when they are little) should have to deal with family services.
This isn't funny. Fuck you whoever wrote this. Do you know how fucking horrible it is to lose a parent? No matter someone's size their life still matters. So fuck you and your manager and your miserable existence. You're both no better than murderers.
I can find it not funny if I want to. But I don't really care if other people can laugh. I just can't. It's no big deal, certainly not something to downvote over.
Woah hun we aren't saying anything about people with weight issues, just people that go to McDonald's often and get hat much food and expect them to let her walk of paying five dollars short
Guest, I never said this post was about "weight issues." Just that I'm sensitive about weight in general and that's why I can't laugh at this. I don't care if other people do, which clearly is possible, I just can't.
Titsy, you and do many others need to stop assuming that downvotes are a personal attack. It simply means that somebody disagrees with you. We are still allowed to do that. Some people are way too effing sensitive.
Yes when I joined last year I took downvotes very sensitively. Then I learned that just a few people disagree, and nothing is wrong with that. But if you're going to overreact it makes you seem like an immature 5-year old.
And besides, you said you're fat. That means technically that if we downvote you, we disagree and we're saying you look nice. I've heard of people who can't take a joke, but not ones that can't take a compliment.
Simply thinking there's no reason for downvotes hardly makes me immature. And I "can't take a compliment" because you people don't know what I look like below the neck, so you really wouldnt know what I look like in the respect would you?
An opinion is just an excuse to be wrong.
On a related note, one might argue that newbs who go around drive-by insulting people over 6 w/o comments while contributing exactly NOTHING to the conversation are the ones who need to shut their cock holster.
You're just as bad as she is. Two wrongs don't make a right. Karma is going to bite you in the ass. You can't treat people even fat disgusting people badly and not pay for it.
· 10 years ago
Dude, beyond uncontrollable laughter (active word being uncontrollable) he never actually treated her bad.
Yes, technically it's her own fault for wanting to give small children heart attacks and coming up short. If you want to kill your children, we don't care, just make sure you can afford it
Best quote
Because as a girl who has struggled with weight for God knows how many years, I feel that exact way.
On a related note, one might argue that newbs who go around drive-by insulting people over 6 w/o comments while contributing exactly NOTHING to the conversation are the ones who need to shut their cock holster.
no one cares
shut up