Let's me think about that flower post. "Shhh just let it happen shhhh."
· 10 years ago
Rape jokes are insensitive, make light of rape, undermine rape and make rapists feel validated. So, well done sleigh7! Thanks for your amazing contribution to humanity! You could have posted anything, but you chose a distasteful, offensive "joke".
Really?! What a great argument, your point was put forward so well I think you should be a lawyer. You've totally convinced me that my point is wrong so thanks for your thoughtful, necessary response.
PJ, why do you have to start useless drama on here? The only thing you use is "it makes light of blah, and it validates the blahers".
Most of your comments are either unnecessarily sarcastic (which is why people may dislike you [cue random people saying they like you]), continuations of your so-called "discussions", or both.
Come up with some new crap, or leave.
· 10 years ago
Excuse me? I didn't realize your opinions dictated what I should write. Unless it's offensive, I can write what I want. I have no reason or intention to validate myself to you, so accept how irrelevant you are and go shed your tears. Also, criticizing someone anonymously is so cowardly, find some guts.
And I never said you couldn't type what you wanted. I do not have a preference on how users/guests comment, except that they are original and not useless (the "gaaaaayyy" and "lol" types of comments).
Even then, I don't really care.
And I don't matter, right? Because I'm a guest. And guests are automatically deemed trivial as hinted at your previous comment.
I don't have an account. I probably never will.
· 10 years ago
I said validate more than once. Sue me. Would you care to enlighten me on my 'ignorance'?
· 10 years ago
But don't trouble yourself, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you, as you seem like an amazing, helpful contribution to society.
As a tip for the future- refrain from saying things that are not true to people you do not know.
Regardless of my seemingly "dim" comments, I regularly volunteer work at a Mercy hospital, I maintain a 4.0 GPA, and I'm varsity on both the soccer (football) and tennis team. Sorry for the positive influence I have in my community.
· 10 years ago
It's okay, I forgive you (didn't say you were dim though). You still haven't enlightened me though, or are going to be like vlekkie and pretend to not understand the concept of sarcasm?
It's something you kind of need to figure out yourself. Racial/ sexist jokes are merely that. Jokes. They are not meant to make light of the topic.
The jokes are like a wildfire, and you have your bucket of good (not sarcasm). You try to extinguish it using your bucket. Predictably, you don't get very far. But we (and by we, I mean some of us), as bystanders, realize that what you are doing seems helpful, but maybe not helpful. Do you kind of get the gist?
(P.S. We call the fire department to contain the fire, but it spread too quickly and we all died.)
Smart argueing tactics here. Anyway, I do understand sarcasm, I just choose to ignore it when people try to use it as a cheap way of getting out of arguements.
· 10 years ago
I understand that these jokes don't mean to make light of the topic but, as I said at first, they do. And even if it isn't intentional, it can still validate rapists, for example. I know, my old line. But it's true and the only reason I say it so much is there are lots of posts on here that do have the end result of making light of rape and other despicable acts. (this is to the guest. I think I got the gist but might have missed it completely).
- You
Most of your comments are either unnecessarily sarcastic (which is why people may dislike you [cue random people saying they like you]), continuations of your so-called "discussions", or both.
Come up with some new crap, or leave.
See? Unnecessarily ignorant AND abusive.
Even then, I don't really care.
And I don't matter, right? Because I'm a guest. And guests are automatically deemed trivial as hinted at your previous comment.
I don't have an account. I probably never will.
Regardless of my seemingly "dim" comments, I regularly volunteer work at a Mercy hospital, I maintain a 4.0 GPA, and I'm varsity on both the soccer (football) and tennis team. Sorry for the positive influence I have in my community.
The jokes are like a wildfire, and you have your bucket of good (not sarcasm). You try to extinguish it using your bucket. Predictably, you don't get very far. But we (and by we, I mean some of us), as bystanders, realize that what you are doing seems helpful, but maybe not helpful. Do you kind of get the gist?
(P.S. We call the fire department to contain the fire, but it spread too quickly and we all died.)