I remember reading about this once before. He had different builders do all different parts so that nobody knew how it all connected up and what all the weird doors and hidden spots were for. Then he waited until some big street festival they used to have in that city, and just nicked people off the street. They reckon he killed those 200 people in just a week or something. Crazy story.
He was also quite the con man. Ran a few successful scams, and had the charisma to convince a buddy WHO KNEW HE WAS A SERIAL KILLER that it would be a good idea to let him "fake" his death and collect the insurance. He decided to kill his friend for real. Who could've seen that coming, amirite? *sarcasm* And then he got the widow to let him take care of the kids! (He killed them.)
Oh, and there's also a cool ghost story aspect to him. When he was executed, he was hanged, but his neck didn't snap, and instead he strangled to death. After his execution, the "janitor"-type guy who helped clean his murder castle, the ONE GUY who could've actually revealed the entire setup, claimed he was being haunted by his ghost and killed himself.
And then there's the fact that it's believed that his fascination with killing was a result of bullies in school mocking his fear of doctors by making him touch a skeleton.
Oh, and there's also a cool ghost story aspect to him. When he was executed, he was hanged, but his neck didn't snap, and instead he strangled to death. After his execution, the "janitor"-type guy who helped clean his murder castle, the ONE GUY who could've actually revealed the entire setup, claimed he was being haunted by his ghost and killed himself.
And then there's the fact that it's believed that his fascination with killing was a result of bullies in school mocking his fear of doctors by making him touch a skeleton.