My favorite moment of theirs is when it was still the regular Suite Life at the hotel, and Moseby comforted London after he found her crying in the supply closet because her dad couldn't make it to the father-daughter dance at school. It was so sweet :)
Disney did have some really great shows, both suite life's were entertaining, that's so raven was great too, and I even enjoyed wizards of waverly place, but after those shows left it was kind of down hill
Dog with a blog, wonder over yonder, shake it up, lab rats. Those shows are the worst, they almost bring me to tears over how much I miss the old shows.
I wouldn't count the Disney XD shows, those have always been what they've shown, or similar. They haven't had much quality content since jetex ended. Though zeke and Luther was pretty good
Promotion. Cable companies and satellite tend to separate Disney and Disney XD into different purchasable bundles. So when Disney shows off their XD shows on the regular Disney channel, and kids see these or parents enjoy watching them with their children, they are that much more likely to purchase the the second bundle.
But I can still never tell if these shows really were good or I was just young. But I suppose the good ones I would still watch now so that's proof. And it's ok cause the kids that watch the new shows probably enjoy them :}