I find it hilarious how in detective and cop shows EVERY interrogation room has the two-way mirror on the wall, and we as viewers are shown immediately that it IS in fact, a two way mirror.
If you think about it, now these mirrors have become obsolete, because we all know that they're two-way mirrors.
I don't think being secret is the point in interrogation rooms.
· 10 years ago
I always thought the two way mirrors in interrogation rooms were just so the criminal couldn't lip read or see what/how the detectives were thinking but they could still see them.
I don't get it. How do I check?? Put my fingernail against the mirror and if there is a gap what does that mean? Can someone please explain. I know it might not be true but I just want to know
· 10 years ago
If your fingernail touches with the fingernail in the mirror,then it's a two-way mirror.Gap means the fingernails don't touch.Try it,it'll be clearer.
If you touch the mirror with your fingernail and it touches the reflected image of itself, then it's two-way. If the reflected one doesn't meet up with the real one, it's normal.
i bolted to the bathroom was like, oh shit, for second there it thought i was goona shit my pants but. and then the sink started making noises and i am crying right now
If you think about it, now these mirrors have become obsolete, because we all know that they're two-way mirrors.