Is this an actual line from the show????
I can't bring myself to watch past S03E01 because I know if I do there will be a cliffhanger and I'll have to live till 2016 in constant anxiety...
No. Pfft, no. NO. NO NO NO.
I bet if the fans started a Kickstarter campaign we could fund the show from now until forever. If it comes to that, I will. SHERLOCK MUST NOT END. WE NEED FIVE SEASONS AT LEAST.
Yeah. It's just, I'm a Whovian, so seeing Moffat's name came as a huge shock... followed by me being ecstatic... followed by a cold sense of dread that the DEMON that manipulates the lives of some of my favourite fictional characters had come back to meddle with my soon-to-be-favourite fictional characters. And then I was ecstatic again, because he does it brilliantly.
· 10 years ago
Gatiss has done Who too, just not to the same extent as Moffat (not that I *love* what Moffat did to Who, to be honest; his standalone episodes and plot concepts are stronger than his work as show-runner). From what I've heard, Sherlock is more Gatiss' baby than Moffat's, anyway.
I know. I DIDN'T know that Gatiss worked on Doctor Who...
OH MY GOD. Sherlock has TWO Doctor Who brains working on it?
This day just got more fabulous.
· 10 years ago
Feel free to peruse this, it gives a good summary of his involvement (he's often a writer).
(As a self-professed Whovian, however, how did you not know Gatiss had worked on DW?!)
This isn't really from the show, it's just screencaps from the Hounds of Baskervillle (which is beforw season 3 btw, so you already watched it) AND WATCH THE REST OF SEASON 3! There is a cliffhanger at the end, but you have to watch the rest! The Sign of Three is my favorite episode in the whole show
I am a MASSIVE Whovian, ask anyone, but I don't pay attention to who writes the episodes, I just watch them. :) and they are brilliant.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
*gasp* You don't pay attention to who writes the episodes? For shame :(
But Gatiss did star as an episode's villain too, so there's that, as well as several cameos.
Well, I do pay attention, I'm just not that knowledgable in the behind-the-camera part of the show. The show itself? Hit me with a question. I can quote entire scenes from memory. The writers and the actors? I'm not so good.
I can't bring myself to watch past S03E01 because I know if I do there will be a cliffhanger and I'll have to live till 2016 in constant anxiety...
I bet if the fans started a Kickstarter campaign we could fund the show from now until forever. If it comes to that, I will. SHERLOCK MUST NOT END. WE NEED FIVE SEASONS AT LEAST.
I'm not sure how reliable it is but hey, it makes me feel better :3
OH MY GOD. Sherlock has TWO Doctor Who brains working on it?
This day just got more fabulous.
(As a self-professed Whovian, however, how did you not know Gatiss had worked on DW?!)
But Gatiss did star as an episode's villain too, so there's that, as well as several cameos.