You show great prowess in this Art, Deathfox, and some day you will make a real life person very happy. If you haven't been swept up already, as is almost undoubtedly the case with the quick wit you possess.
We are two of a kind, my friend. In the world of 'real life' *shudder* almost everyone is quite scornful of me. Don't lose hope, I would gladly break up with my fridge for someone like you, although my friend-zoned computer who is always there for me in times of trouble won't be particularly happy.
Well, I then wish you luck on the journey of finding the person, who whenever you see them, makes your heart flutter as if it was about to take flight. Who knows maybe we'll cross paths one day in the outernet, and at that same moment find the person we've been looking for to share the rest of our lives with.
And I wish you the same. Love at first sight is a concept I'm not sure I believe in, but I hope that if it exists you find it. I hope that whoever has the fortune to be your special someone appreciates it. Thank you for bringing the simple happiness that comes with a compliment to my day, Deathfox. :D
· 10 years ago
Well,I'm in an intimate 3-some with my computer and the fridge,so I would say to both of them 'I love you two like the TARDIS refrigerator(s).'
I'm sorry, but I don't understand; The heart creates energy? From what? Blood? Last time I checked, the heart used energy to move blood. Is the energy it is 'creating' just the energy it sends around the body?