Say WHA? I had no idea. I'm not big on twitter. But to counter that, some people argue that Miley and Justin only get such bad reps because their entire lives are publicised, but it's not any different for One Direction.
I'm not saying I like One Direction, but I respect them for handling their fame well and their talent.
· 10 years ago
I just realised that my comment can be taken as Anti-direction. No, I'm a fan. I meant that it's not all rainbows and sunshine, but I agree that their fans don't take to the extreme
Zayn and Louis together :) // Talking about all this fame stuff has made me realize something: There are always dumbasses in any fandom. It's just the way it is ! xD You have the good side of the fandom with reasonable people who know how to discuss any topic without making a fuss, and then you have the bad side who is normally filled with a bunch of hysterical 12 year old fangirls who go straight to cutting and such kind of things. But in fact we shouldn't blame the bands or singers for their fan's behaviour.
Some were yes but those are the fans people were talking about above that go overboard and that saddens me greatly bc the band would never want their fans to do that to themselves
One direction have taught me to be myself, ignore the haters, to be original and unique, and to keep dreaming and striving to achieve your goals, and that's why I love them. ALSO THEY'RE PERF!
Supposedly they were asked if they could grant a wish for Make A Wish Foundation and first they were going to do it but when they found out they weren't going to get paid they turned it down. I don't know if this is true but they have done other charity work and helped other people.
One Direction has handled themselves better than most stars but I still don't feel girls or guys should follow the morals and exames set out by music artists what so ever. Their lives off and on canera are very very different.
I think One Direction have the advantage of being in a group- they can keep eachover on track. Beiber and Miley Cyrus don't have other people around them 24/7 experiencing the same thing in the same situation
The band itself isn't a bad influence, that's not why we dislike them. It's their fucking fans. Some of them are insane, like pipe the fuck down please
Actually they're not. They have lyrics like "ima beat that p*ssy up" and yet they publicly shame other celebrities like Miley Cyris (I don't like her either) and suck up to parents
Pretend Swag = Respect
Or Miley Cyrus's morals?
Showing Booty=Respect