I remember getting participation ribbons back in elementary, which was 20 + years ago. Thought they were so pointless even as a kid. I find it either gives kids an over inflated sense of self or makes them cynical to actual achievements. Me, I'm cynical.
My nephew plays hockey and they get participant awards, while I think it's stupid because giving an award to the best players makes the other kids want to play harder/better I kind of get it too you don't want kids feeling like their failures either.
it's really not about them feeling bad as much as how they deal with feeling bad, alot of people got over protected or ignored when they were young and as adults don't know how to cope or deal. That's really the key.
For my grade eight graduation, I got the academic excellence award, which is the highest award in my school, and basically the medal I got was exactly the same as everyone else's medal they might have gotten for anything else. It didn't even say my name or what I earned, just my school name and "made in China"
Or the fact that we are talking about kids. I'm not saying they make sense in big events, but some kids aren't here to be competitive, they are here to have a good time and play some sports they enjoy. And participation trophies give them some proof and something to be proud of => it makes them happy, and that's what mattered to them in the first place. I got some as a kid, it didn't make me a stupid egotistical bitch, it helped having fun after that football game, cheer with the team, be happy. And I can cope with failure just find, you have to put it in perspective, what you do to kids can't be compared to adult stuff.
The problem arises when you get awarded even for losing. The kid eventually loses touch with reality due to the fact that they get awarded either way. They shouldn't be MEAN to the losers, but awarding them, especially at a young age, results in people who cannot deal with a loss later on in the future, resulting in whiny assholes being more common.
"what you do to kids can't be compared to adult stuff" except the things you learn as a kid stay with you into adulthood. If you still get praised for sucking your whole life as a child, when you finally grow up and stop getting those participation trophies you don't understand or know how to deal with it....because you were never taught how when you were young.
I don't know. As I said, I receiver partication trophies as a kid (even when losing), and it really didn't prevent me to learn to deal with failure later on. I mean, I'm not sure that going hardass mode on a 8 year old to teach him that life sucks is a good idea, he'll figure it out soon enough. Kids are innocent, I say we shall let them have fun, reality will strike soon anyway;