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· 10 years ago
*awaits bum-harmed OCD people*
· 10 years ago
A character in Soul Eater,named Death The Kidd is extremely obsessed with symmetry.I befriended him on Facebook.Gonna show this to him.
· 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
what does OCD make you do?
· 10 years ago
Nothing in specific, it just makes you do something over and over. I.e something isn't straight you have to straighten it.
· 10 years ago
I don't have OCD but still *eye twitches* I hate it when things aren't straight or symmetrical. I'm bad at building houses in The Sims because my creativity gets in the way and then I look at the house and the door is too far to the right and I can't fix it and in SimCity I'm annoyed when I see OTHER people build because it doesn't look symmetrical at all.
· 10 years ago
I'm not OCD but this bothers me in ways I can't understand.
· 10 years ago
Guys, this isnt ocd, this is ocpd, ocd is when you do something in a certain order every day, like waking up on the right side of the bed, stepping on every stop of the stairs but the last one, making the same cereal with the exact amount of milk and cereal, checking everything before going to work, clicking the open button on your car remote, getting in your car and revvingit three times before backing up, going to work while stopping at the same coffee shop, ordering the same coffee, and same bread, eat the bread in exactly six bites, drink four sips, arrive at work, leave work when done while getting the same coffee order, returning home taking the same route, closing and opening the car door three times, locking the car nine times, locking the door, then opening, then locking again, taking off the first shoe first, then the left, but without untieing, then making either fish or steak, then checking on social media for two hours, then sleeping.
· 10 years ago
A way out: The leaning tower is Italicized. Why ruin everything to fix it? It's an emphasized building. It's dramatic.