While I agree completely, I CAME HERE FOR FUNNY THINGS all I want is "fun"substance back no more politics or crap you get me I just want to laugh and shit
· 10 years ago
Since when isn't it fun to communicate and debate with strangers? I find it rather fun. My fun and your fun are totally different.
It's bullshit.
I don't hate gays, I hate that they get so much credit just for being gay. Something supposedly beyond their control.
I hate it because people doing work don't credit.
I know that there is no correlation, but it's not right that the people getting national attention aren't the people taking care of the nation.
I don't care that my neighbor is black. So why should I care if someone is gay?
Society doesn't owe the LGBTQ community a damned thing.
We don't need another race card.
Thank you famousone! I am tired of watching my paycheck shrink because there's yet another "protected" group within my society. I fully support ensuring that EVERYONE has equal rights, I fall within a minority category, but I'm sick of people exploiting any kind of safe haven. It makes it harder for people that actually need help to get it without discrimination.
My brother-in-law applied for a break from his uni so he and my sister could go on a proper honeymoon, and there's only one break granted per term. He got denied, and the person who got it was a gay guy that wanted to go to a festival, and conveniently mentioned that he was gay when he applied. Not remotely fair.
This makes me so mad. Okay yay the football player came out of the closet(seems that this is the new trend for everyone to do these days) while this poor soldier, who sacrificed his body so that this gay man can play football and be open about his sexual preference, is treated as if he had not done something heroic. I believe if any people should be getting our recognition and government funding, it should be this select group of people who give their lives everyday for our freedom. Thank you, Soldiers of America!<3
Thanks famousone for wording in that way. This makes me sad because my brother is going into service after high school and we are really proud of him but this is so true about veterans
I'm sorry but this is in no way the fault of "the gays"...its the fault of your government. Cut out the first half of that statement (because its irrelavent) and it's still a shitty situation.
To maybe sum it up a bit better. What I'm trying to say is, instead of saying "fuck other people that are getting help while I'm not." Just say "i need help because I fucking deserve it."
· 10 years ago
Welcome to the United States! Where you can be handed things by the government for your sexuality, race, or gender but we sure as hell can't take care of public safety workers, firefighters, EMS, police, or soldiers. Some homeless veteran looking for a job? F$&k that guy right?! Nah lets hire the gay guy because if we don't we may be called homophobic! That'll fix it. The United States is f$&@ed.
Unfortunately life isn't fair. People who deserve credit don't always get it, people who do nothing sometimes do. It is all about being politically correct and everything is for show. The world is a giant popularity contest and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I gotta tell you, I'm gay and I'm kind of tired of stuff relating to it being shoved down our throats. Yes I want equal rights because I'm a damned human being, but other than that, I don't need any special treatment.
because him being gay is the important thing come on
· 10 years ago
He's the first openly gay athelete. Thats why the president called him. The President congratulated a gay man for being openly gay. Big woop! Why sexuality is such a big deal in the US i'll never know but its getting pretty damn annoying.
Why does one cancel the other, I think its great that this man, who had the courage to come out in a highly homophobic arena, was applauded for bravery and I also think its terrible that the government is not respecting service men and women. This doesn't mean that we should stop one and start the other, its means we should work towards a country that honours all forms of bravery, both of these men are fighting a war, both should be respected for that.
Yesssssss! You know what, I like the way you think. Not sure guests get notified of new comments, but I'd love to see people who show courage and bravery honored equally. Regardless of all else, people who fight for equality for all people, in all its forms should be respected and applauded.
Being called a f@& is NOT a war. It is in no way, shape or form remotely close, within a nano-meter, to being a war. It is just sensitive little F*&%s that think being gay gives them Privileges over evryone else. The Brave soldier that lost his legs is fighting a real war. He has the courage to stand on the discharge end of a barrel for this country which no amount of phone calls can return his legs.
Being called a F@&&0t so what? get over it pussy. you want equality? live like the hard working men and women who work 2 jobs (raise kids) and dont have 401k, stock or any of that silver spoon stuff the 1% has. They dont b**ch about it because they know they are f***ed, so why should LGBTQ be treated different?
i have dyslexia if you havent judged me by now, with minor mental problems that denies me entry to the armed forces. i would have gladly put myself in that heros place because, we all dont need another retard annoying everthing about equal rights.
I think the primary point the first guest was making was that the 2 issues are not mutually exclusive. There are plenty of gay people that are beaten, threatened, harassed, killed and tortured. Standing up against that is incredibly important, and the freedom to be who one really is is a major reason people fight for their countries. Safety, security and freedom are worth fighting for; sometimes you're the person on the battlefield with a gun and sometimes you're the person using the freedom of speech said gun affords you.
People who are gay are not just dealing with homophobic slurs. They have to face challenges everyday. If they come out their family and friends can disown them, if they go into the wrong bar or wrong street or wrong part of town they can get beaten up or murdered! thats in a 'free country' what about being gay in India or the Middle east or Indonesia of Africa! its Illegal to be Homosexual and is punishable by death. So you tell me, what the difference between the army and these brave men and women who are walking into a hostile territory fighting for their rights? I do understand that the service men and women put their life on the line for us BUT dont tell me that gay rights is just as simple as not being called a faggot. I have 3 gay friends who now have to live without a family, who have had friends killed and who live in fear of losing everything just because they want to love.......
Look man I straight and I don't have beef wit gays but them mother fuckers better not touch me cuz I whoop a nigga ass. It doesn't mean shit if you gay and walk up in a bar and get jump or walk in a dark alley and get jumped. Anyone can be the person getting jumped and the person doing the jumping it don't mater if u black brown Chinese or radio over there. It's when a group wants to put on a label and be different and have a fake cause, wanting to secretly be better than everyone else.Nah that don't give me the right to say give me more rights. Protecting the freedoms to our right is why we fight, not because we designate a label like protecting gay rights, nah it's not even about that ya feel me. The nIgga that got his legs tore off fights so that people can do what the fuck they want. Moms god bless her soul died and pops got shot by some faggot ass bitch nigga, I don't have family. The only fam I got is my friends. So give a fuck if that pussys dad don't wanthim, he got friends -T
I don't hate gays, but I don't want them to think that I'm gay. Everyone is vulnerable to attack. No matter what color they are or what they believe in. And the attacker can be anyone, it doesn't matter what their background is.
But when a group wants to say that they deserve rewards and extra protection, they are simply saying that they are better and deserve better, and that isn't right. They shouldn't be given more rights just for that.
The only reason to fight is to protect freedom, not any certain group.
The man who lost his legs did so to preserve the freedom of his land.
My parents are gone, and so all I have left for me is my chosen family. My friends.
So it doesn't matter if a gay man's father doesn't want him, the gay man still has his chosen family for support.-T
Translators note: I don't agree with everything said, but T raises some good points.
I actually fully agree with those (translated) points. But that kind of IS the point; though it's not just gay people, any group of people that are tormented simply for existing deserve to fight for their right to simply exist. When you narrow the scope and subtle out one group (gay, women, black, middle Eastern, short, oversight, etc.) you'll always have people that rally against them and say they want extra protection. I had a comment way at the top stating I'm tired of so-called protected groups. And I am. No one race, sexual orientation or gender is better than another, but I wholeheartedly believe in creating a society that is equal for all. I've worked hard to overcome my circumstances and I don't want to be looked down upon simply because of who I am. Nor do I want benefits or protection I don't deserve, don't want and didn't earn. Equality is just that. Equal rights, not special treatment.
So... When a comment is hidden due to too many dislikes I say "oooh, controversy, gotta check this out" I read those comments more thoroughly than the others.
This suck but benefits for soldiers cost money (ie: tax dollars) a phone call barely costs anything. And maybe it's cause I'm canadian but Americans seem to really hate paying taxes.
I pay more in taxes than I do for insurance (which I'm forced to get through my employer thanks to my President, and costs 35% of my paycheck), and my retirement. I'd rather see a larger part of my taxes go to my vets than some super awesome gay guy who's famous for running fast. If I had the money personally I'd be exponentially more inclined to pay for someone's new legs than a phone call for some tool on steroids.
Well yes. My 18 year old, young and not yet jaded, service men and women need that money. Support those that ensure your safety, clean water and freedom is kind of my thing.
Cansdian guest, do you like taxes? There are progressives who dream of a moneyless system where we work everyday and receive good everyday snd get housing and get permission to have a child and then bigger housing. And then you die and nobody cares that you even lived in the first place. I prefer a system wherein I keep what I earn and I decide how to dispense my finds. Every extra nickel in taxes taken is freedom lost. I currently pay 30% of my income in income taxes, then it is mandated that another 7% gets spent on health coverage, then my state requires homeowner's and
auto/truck insurance amounting to another 3%. My state/county/school district take another 5% for the right to own property. Now our governors have taken 45% of my family's money, but they still do not have enough we also pay 8.75% sales tax on most of what we buy, so we actually spend less than half of our money while some asshat decides how the other half is spent. So NO, my Canadian pal, I do not like taxes.
I don't hate gays, I hate that they get so much credit just for being gay. Something supposedly beyond their control.
I hate it because people doing work don't credit.
I know that there is no correlation, but it's not right that the people getting national attention aren't the people taking care of the nation.
I don't care that my neighbor is black. So why should I care if someone is gay?
Society doesn't owe the LGBTQ community a damned thing.
We don't need another race card.
Being called a F@&&0t so what? get over it pussy. you want equality? live like the hard working men and women who work 2 jobs (raise kids) and dont have 401k, stock or any of that silver spoon stuff the 1% has. They dont b**ch about it because they know they are f***ed, so why should LGBTQ be treated different?
i have dyslexia if you havent judged me by now, with minor mental problems that denies me entry to the armed forces. i would have gladly put myself in that heros place because, we all dont need another retard annoying everthing about equal rights.
I don't hate gays, but I don't want them to think that I'm gay. Everyone is vulnerable to attack. No matter what color they are or what they believe in. And the attacker can be anyone, it doesn't matter what their background is.
But when a group wants to say that they deserve rewards and extra protection, they are simply saying that they are better and deserve better, and that isn't right. They shouldn't be given more rights just for that.
The only reason to fight is to protect freedom, not any certain group.
The man who lost his legs did so to preserve the freedom of his land.
My parents are gone, and so all I have left for me is my chosen family. My friends.
So it doesn't matter if a gay man's father doesn't want him, the gay man still has his chosen family for support.-T
Translators note: I don't agree with everything said, but T raises some good points.
auto/truck insurance amounting to another 3%. My state/county/school district take another 5% for the right to own property. Now our governors have taken 45% of my family's money, but they still do not have enough we also pay 8.75% sales tax on most of what we buy, so we actually spend less than half of our money while some asshat decides how the other half is spent. So NO, my Canadian pal, I do not like taxes.