What's the problem with a black Captin America? Are you a racist or something? I'm really offended by them face you chose. So what if Marvel does that? Let them do what they wanna do and change up things a little bit
It's not about race, it's about historical accuracy.
In the 40's, blacks were barely allowed to share barracks with whites,
Why would white people even consider turning a black man into a super soldier?
You know what? This gif is my reaction when I keep coming back to this gif to read the comments. There we go I win let's all go home and be the introverts like we are.
I'm not hating because of the race or gender aspect, but because they're changing the 616 (mainstream) universe completely. I grew up with these heroes, I adore them. You do know that the reason Falcon is taking over is because Cap has been de-powered and reverted to an old man right? These are our icons and they're just being replaced. Marvel couldve just created an alternate universe, but no, they have to change things completely :( it sucks.
Honestly there is no original universe anymore. Because if Marvel showed the actual avengers then they loki would of been a worthless villain. Since Avengers have so many characters and not just that. If you actually put their real powers Rune King Thor would of erased loki, and ultron from existence and that's just Thor by himself. However despite that there's other universes that the characters are completely different. Ex The avengers are all zombies and get defeated by Galactus or the death of spiderman, Planet-buster Hulk, Spiderwoman, the existence of all-dimension Ironman. These are just part of the Avengers that's why I don't like the live-action ones because they're weak as fuck.
616 is the original, constant universe, everything else, including the movie universe, are alternate universes, but with what they've done now, they've completely altered the mainstream universe, the starting point/basis for all the other universes.
· 10 years ago
Which is fantastic! It's going to bring a whole new edge and I'm exited to see where it goes
I don't count 616 because it was already permanently destroyed long ago and multiple times. Example: Thanos captures the HoTu destroys the multiverse and later rebuilds it, Beyonder erases the multi-verse from existence by thinking molecule-man brings it back, amatsu-mika destroys 98% of the mega verse while fighting against skyfather hercules then hercules restores it. There's more examples that shows that everything is already altered the 616 universe was indeed the original but so many times it has been destroyed that pretty much the characters have changed.
In my opinion, I don't like the idea of female Thor. But that's just my opinion. I'm not intending to be racist or whatever, but like an earlier Commenter said, they're changing the whole 616 universe. I, too, grew up with these characters and I absolutely adore them. They are my heroes and have been there my whole life. To see them change is kind of a bummer for me.
Guys, most of you don't even read the online comics that they are in! It shouldn't matter to you! If you prefer the movies then don't worry these changes are only in the comics. Stop complaining
I'm saying that in the 40's a black man wouldn't have been considered for the super soldier experiments.
And how does the Thor thing work?
You wield the hammer and are suddenly a god?
In the 40's, blacks were barely allowed to share barracks with whites,
Why would white people even consider turning a black man into a super soldier?
Not another fucking random ass person
Thor can't be a girl, he's been a he for thousands of years.
Just doesn't work.
And how does the Thor thing work?
You wield the hammer and are suddenly a god?