Actual Advice Mallard: Something I wish I knew when I started college
10 years ago by guest · 2187 Likes · 7 comments · Popular
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· 10 years ago
Networking? Can someone explain?
· 10 years ago
Knowing people, basically. Like, knowing that your friend's dad's brother has a buddy whose boss has a business acquaintance that's currently hiring, and then being friends with all of them so you can go directly to that business acquaintance and have an advantage over other applicants because he/she personally knows you.
· 10 years ago
What is basically known as unfair bullish*t indicating that in a lot of instances hard work means very little because who you know is more important. That is probably why everyone has most likely had or has a supervisor who is a bumbling moron who does nothing but still makes more money than you and gets to tell you what to do. This is life and how it works. Navigate through as best you can.
· 10 years ago
It's not just who know, hard work is important too. But if people don't know who you are and that your a good worker you may not make gains. Networking can be just as simple as your reputation of being a good worker.
· 10 years ago
Networking, and any form of communication, is part of your work though. If you aren't doing it, then you aren't really working as hard as you could or should be. You don't have to be charismatic and good looking to network well, but you DO have to be good at something and able to show/tell other people that you are good at that thing.
· 10 years ago
fact, and this isn't going anywhere without changing human nature itself... C'est la vie
· 10 years ago
So true. Every job I've gotten since I graduate college was somehow a result of someone I knew.