Russian's WW2 anti-air gun is very impressive
10 years ago by dagign · 2241 Likes · 6 comments · Popular
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· 10 years ago
I dunno man, the Mosin Nagant is pretty good rifle from what i've been told.
· 10 years ago
and those binoculars are made in Germany so good quality probably shoots laser beams
· 10 years ago
I'm sensing some very slight sarcasm...
· 10 years ago
the good old Russian theory wins again
· 10 years ago
The British one looks more like a long range artillery rather than an AA
· 9 years ago
A German, an American, A Russian, and an Skandian are asked to build a vehicle that can cross a river. The German Designed an Amphibious car that was perfect for the river. The American Modified his Jeep to survive the river, as it was an excellent off roader. The Russian made his truck so big that the river didn't even reach up to his undercarriage. The Skandian, aware that the river was quite deep and fast made none of the above, and instead put a bigger engine on his buggy. The German made it across, but had to travel a mile back up the river. the American made it across but took twice the time, and had to let the interior dry for hours. the Russian was doing fine, until the mud stopped his truck halfway. The Skandian finished his scotch, and floored it across the river, his buggy hydroplaning all the way across. the moral: Don't mess with vikings