Can you please stop uploading posts regarding the hijab. The last time someone did, there was a lot of racism in the comments which was very offensive. If you want to know anything about the hijab or even Islam in general, ask a Muslim friend or read a book. Don't let the media or negative characters influence your opinion on Muslims.
Keep stuff like this of FUNsubstance. This is a controversial topic and I highly doubt that people come on this website to have stuff like this shoved down thier throats. I come on this website to cheer up, and frankly I don't really don't care about this.
· 10 years ago
If you don't like something promptly press the down vote button and move on. Personally, I come to this website in order to express opinion and debate on an anonymous basis inappropriate on Facebook or Twitter. Rather than making yourself out to be a jerk keep these type of comments to yourself. Funsubstance is what you make of it.
FUNsubstance.... it is in the word. I agree with santaclause, I want to cheer up and laugh etc on funsubstance, not see whiny people's posts about their religion, because honestly..... I reallllly don't give a shit about it.
And I don't give a shit about your whiny ass complaining comment. If you want to cheer up stop letting random peoples' posts bother you. It's so easy to ignore it and move on.
I just think they should make another substance... something like religious or whining. Because really, I don't need your believes in my life. Go post it somewhere on a forum for your religion, do not force it upon us. Thank you.
Uhmmm I'm pretty sure they would've had other examples too. They said respect each others beliefs, not just Islam. So you're saying we should not respect your belief? Your arguing on a post about peace... Just listen to the moral, not the little details. It can actually apply to everyone.