"Everyone is beautiful." is one of the biggest lie today. There is a difference between accepting people for who they are and tolerating bad diet habits.
I have pretty bad diet habits, I topically don't take proper care of myself by not eating enough, I try to stay on top of it and eat right it's not as if I starve myself but I often get distracted and often neglect myself accidentally. at least once every two weeks or so people will make a comment about my weight, I've been called anorexic more times than I can count but it's absolute taboo to mention an obese persons diet and/or fitness habits (not their looks their habits).
· 10 years ago
Don't worry. Many people struggle with same thing you are going though and it's okay. Just keep motivating herself and you will get to your goal weight.
· 10 years ago
A lot of people forget that constant over eating is an eating disorder too
I get where this is coming from but i have been called too fat and i have been called too skinny at different points in my life, when i was called too fat i developed an eating disorder to try to get skinny in a very unhealthy way however when i was called too skinny i just ate a bit more and it didnt really do anything negative to my health
"If you don't have anything nice to say, crawl into a hole and die because society doesn't need your soulless existence, troll." Is what the quote should be.
Because being skinny is considered attractive. As a teenage girl, anytime anyone called me skinny I was overjoyed. Anytime anyone called me fat it would depress me for weeks. Fat has more negative connotations to it than skinny does. I don't agree with it but that's how it is
· 10 years ago
Check out thisisthinprivilege.tumblr.com . It is the other end of the spectrum. They think that being overweight has no negative health issues at all and that doctors created the BMI (body mass index) to get rid of fat people.
I'm glad people are concerned, I guess, but it's kind of annoying when I'm sitting there EATING IN FRONT OF SOMEONE, and they ask if I'm anorexic or bulimic. I've had multiple people try to take me to a school nurse because they think I'm anorexic just because I'm thin. There's a difference between being starved, malnourished to the point of being injured easily, and having a fast metabolism. You don't need to tell me I'm thin. You don't need to make jokes about how "if I close one eye I look like a needle". I don't understand why you think that's okay. Like, what do you want me to do? I eat 4 meals a day, and it's not like I"m burning all those calories off by running even a mile.