Your point?
Fyi, there are PLENTY of posts I come across that I don't 'diss'. There aren't enough daily comments in the world to serve all the shit posts on FS, especially these days.
My point is that either you call me a poor dear because A) you don't think I have a good sense of humor, or B) you don't think this post is funny at all. There could possibly be a C but it doesn't matter. I understand you don't diss every single post you come across, but you would like to. I have respect for you in a way, because you speak your honest opinion. But I'm not too sure why you come to this website because it seems like you hate mostly all of the posts that are on here. Still, seeing your comments make me laugh some of the time. But it's apparent that you don't find 90% or more of the stuff on here funny. Maybe you come on here for your enjoyment rather than laughing, which is fine. But telling someone you "feel sorry for them" because they have a different sense of humor than you isn't necessary.
Of course it isn't necessary. Then again, neither is claiming this repost is superior to "months" of other posts.
But yeah, considering most posts are the same text posts from 4 or 5 other sites because many users have figured out they can amass upthumbs easily by doing so, I mostly just come here for the comment section nowadays.
Fyi, there are PLENTY of posts I come across that I don't 'diss'. There aren't enough daily comments in the world to serve all the shit posts on FS, especially these days.
But yeah, considering most posts are the same text posts from 4 or 5 other sites because many users have figured out they can amass upthumbs easily by doing so, I mostly just come here for the comment section nowadays.