I shall say this again: there is so much fighting going on in the world. So much fighting. Can we please not insult and attack each other for what we choose to eat? You're free to express your opinion, but straight up telling us our choice of diet is wrong? And I know it's not supposed to be taken seriously, I can take a joke. But to be honest, it's belittling. And hearing statements like this day after day after day after day for years and years and the rest of your life is aggravating. This is seriously one of the dumbest things to argue about. I know everyone hates the outspoken vegan/vegetarian, but you know who else everyone hates? The outspoken omnivore who's so personally offended by someone else's choice of food that they have to post things like this. Don't lump all of us vegans/vegetarians into one group. I couldn't care less what you eat! Because it's YOUR personal decision. Eat steak every day if you want! Let's fill this site with happiness and fun things! Let's love!
Actually, the world would be a better place if we all ate vegan diets. There would be enough food for everyone on the planet and we would stop rapid deforestation. It would also greatly reduce cancer rates. (Forks Over Knives; available on Netflix)
I say this as a meat eater that hasn't converted yet.
I say this as a meat eater that hasn't converted yet.