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· 10 years ago
The earth has been around for millions of years, weather recording for just a couple hundred, Doppler radars about 20. We know of valleys that were once rivers and discovered ancient tools that were revealed only after snow caps melted. The inconvenient truth is we can't say for sure that what's happening isn't just a natural part of the cycles of this planet. But is IS clear that this planet doesn't stay the same forever.
· 10 years ago
Well said, guest.
· 10 years ago
are you freaking kidding me....honestly, GLOBAL WARMING IS HAPPENING, ITS HAPPENING BECAUSE OF US! It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Its been proven time and time again so unless your dumb ass is a scientist them shut the hell up. There is now debate anymore, its real and its happening. The more people like you who keep debating it are keeping the stupidity ball rolling. Its more than just weather recording its about CO2 levels in the ocean, the soil and our trees. Its about millions of species becoming extinct on a level NEVER seen in history. GUEST you are a moron, do some research or shut up.
· 10 years ago
I agree with guest#1. He had a well written argument with out being childish.
· 10 years ago
"...on a level NEVER seen in history." There's one flaw in your logic. As Guest1 accurately pointed out, it would be a mistake to assume that our 200 (or so) year weather history is what all of the millions of years before it were like.