Really? So if someone made "White Person Jokes" I suppose you'd be laughing. If someone made sexist jokes about men, you'd be laughing. I'm sure, really!
No I just like food I'm not making a sexist joke at all in fact if a man told this joke to his girlfriend she should ban him from the kitchen and refuse to cook for him he'll get hungry and sad and apologies and never do it again but if he dose she should dump his sorry ass and leave him to die a lonely death. I'm just saying ask this talk about food is making me hungry
Why is everyone getting uptight and bitchey about this. It's a joke. It shouldn't be taken personally. And women always used to be in the kitchen anyways. That was their role
Things change mcr101. People wouldn't make a racist joke like they would back then so that applies to jokes of a sexist nature. This is the reason why women are so "bitchy" and "uptight", because the society made us that way.
You want me in the kitchen, stay away from my food.
It's that simple.
Men belong in the kitchen.
Everyone belongs in the kitchen.
The kitchen has food.