This is what is known as Animal Abuse. If you don't have the proper capital to provide the appropriate conditions for the animal, then save money and don't buy it. You can then use that money and fix other animals' exhibits.
Like for real. That poor bear.
And then people bring their kids here for a day off.
· 10 years ago
How would you know if the habitat is appropriate for the animal or not just by looking at this picture? The habitat could be very large with good conditions provided with staff who are not abusing the animal but instead taking care of it. I know that the picture can be interpreted to have a sad message but just because they painted a mural of the north pole on the habitat wall does not necessarily mean the whole habitat should be branded as animal abuse.
Besides, zoos and animal parks rarely "buy" their animals. Most are rescues or born in captivity. They're doing the best they can to make this polar bear happy since he probably can't survive in the wild, so please try and appreciate their efforts. Yes, it's sad that he can't have an ideal exhibit, but until you know the cost of keeping one of these babies comfortable, let alone a full park of various species, please don't complain about their methods. Instead, go visit your local park and give some money to help out the animals like this.
You both have very good points, and I do appreciate their efforts, but I still think that if they don't have sufficient funds to give every species their ideal habitat, the zoo should not start at all. I am a bit of an extremist when it comes to this, so it's unlikely I'll change my mind.
· 10 years ago tell me again how you are absolutely sure that the zoo "lacks sufficient funds" just by looking at this one picture
There is nothing sad about this image. This polar bear has a clean, large, themed environment to live in. In a place that bothers to paint a mural (which is solely for the benefit of tourists, seeing as animals CAN NOT comprehend paintings), there is enough money to provide mental stimulation, adequate food and fantastic care. While I'd rather these guys out in the wild, zoos play an important role in conservation of animals, and this polar bear is clearly well cared for.
And then people bring their kids here for a day off.