Norman you're full of shit. Some would be okay with quite a bit of practice, but still wouldn't be called 'easy'. Don't downplay how much work you have to put into archery before you can make quality shots like this.
· 10 years ago
1. I never said 'easy', I said they were not that difficult.
2. Yes there are some very impressive shots, but a compound bow makes a lot of these shots much less difficult, and others are not that difficult but look impressive.
3. You're assuming that I haven't put a lot of work into archery.
If you've put a lot of work into easy, then you would know that these shots are difficult, just fine for you because you have done the hard yards. Compound bows are still hard to master, I shoot both recurve and compound. Compound isn't cheating, it's just a new technology.
· 10 years ago
They're not that difficult, not easy certainly, but not that difficult. My calling the compound bow 'cheating' was an archer's joke, I'm surprised you've not encountered it before. And yes the compound bow requires a certain amount of skill, but it still makes these shots much less difficult.
Shut up. Stop arguing. Post you doing these shots, or admit you can't.
· 10 years ago
I'm not going to buy a compound bow and camera, and find a safe place to do these shots just for your satisfaction. My initial point stands. these shots are not as difficult as they appear and with the right equipment a reasonably competent archer could pull them off.
Well you're wrong, norman, some of these are very difficult. Even if you would find them easy, they are difficult and the only reason you'd find them easy is because you've put the hours and hours of practice in that you'd need to be able to pull them off. Of course I've hear that compound bows are 'cheating', I say it myself even though I shoot compound, but I don't take such offence to people using them that I downplay their obviously awesome, /difficult/ shots as 'not difficult'.
1. Yes, SOME of them are very difficult, I never said they were all easy, I said that they're not AS difficult as they appear.
2. Again, I never said they're not difficult, just that they're not as difficult as they appear, and that a compound bow makes such shots easier.
3. Why are you putting words in my mouth? Are you completely incapable of acknowledging the shades of grey in a statement?
4. You must be awfully invested in your chosen bow type if you get so offended over someone saying it's not orgasm-inducing levels of amazing.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
"Go RENT a bow"
To get the most out of a compound bow it needs to be properly adjusted for the shooter, which is fiddly, time consuming and only worth it if you own the bow.
2. Yes there are some very impressive shots, but a compound bow makes a lot of these shots much less difficult, and others are not that difficult but look impressive.
3. You're assuming that I haven't put a lot of work into archery.
2. Again, I never said they're not difficult, just that they're not as difficult as they appear, and that a compound bow makes such shots easier.
3. Why are you putting words in my mouth? Are you completely incapable of acknowledging the shades of grey in a statement?
4. You must be awfully invested in your chosen bow type if you get so offended over someone saying it's not orgasm-inducing levels of amazing.
To get the most out of a compound bow it needs to be properly adjusted for the shooter, which is fiddly, time consuming and only worth it if you own the bow.