They got that debt after signing the Versailles Treaty after WW1 and had to pay off to the victorious contries. Never was there a treaty signed after WW2, and in fact they actually got payed themselves because of the Marshall Plan. Sorry for my bad English :)
· 10 years ago
That was actually really great English, especially if English isn't your first language. I applaud your understanding of the language!
Actually this loan was set up to re-finance another loan "agreed" to in the Versailles Treaty which became due at a time when Germany was nearly bankrupt.
The USA paid for slavery in the blood of the troops from the North, and in all the welfare and special scholarships that whites aren't eligible to apply for.
Germany has also paid for Greece's debt,because any reduction in Greek entitlements or suggestion that employees need to work longer before retiring is greeted with riots and burned buildings. The Germans don't want them to drag down the entire Euro.